MathIGy is run by the same staff members each year.
These are:
Dr. Anya Gobok Cherkashen, MathIGy director and Lead Instructor
Dr. Cherkashen earned a Ph.D from MIT, does research in differential geometry, and teaches high-school students. She used to teach at the Art of Problem
Solving but quit to focus on less interesting mathematics such as taught at MathIGy. When not at work, Dr. Cherkashen might be found underneath a mountain, engaging in literary criticism, or having dinner with frenemies.
Dr. Ronan Blachcho, Aluminum Instructor
Ronan got his Ph.D. from the University of Washington in algebraic combinatorics. At MathIGy he specializes in algorithms for updating student desk assignments based on daily exam scores. Outside of mathematics, he maintains the air conditioning.
Cory Napier, COMPOSiTE (Coordinator of Orderly Mathematics and Predictor of Oppressive Snowstorms in the Tundra Environment)
Cory came to Russia to study theatre and never left. A further degree in meteorology and business administration, taken to make ends meet outside of being a starving artist, qualified Cory to work with MathIGy. Cory enjoys making very precise schedules for students, down to which problems should be worked at which times of day.
MathIGy is a project of the nonprofit organization Mathematical Staircase, Inc..