
Corrine is skeptical of a presentation

Dramatis Personae

Who are the people that make MathILy-Er happen?

Mostly it's students (perhaps you?), but there are also instructors (see below).
We are assisted by the members of our Advisory Amalgam.
The program itself is a project of the nonprofit organization Mathematical Staircase, Inc. which has a board of directors.

Here is the 2024 lineup (so far):

Dr. Corrine Yap, MathILy-Er director and Lead Instructor ()
Corrine earned her Ph.D. from Rutgers University in 2023 and is currently a postdoc at Georgia Institute of Technology. Her research interests include extremal and probabilistic combinatorics and statistical physics. In her "spare time" she travels to math departments around the country to perform her one-woman play Uniform Convergence, which she began writing when she was an undergraduate at Sarah Lawrence College studying mathematics and theater. She currently holds the record of "most titles held in the {MathILy, MathILy-Er} organization" (PRiME in 2014--15, Apprentice Instructor 2015-22, Lead Instructor 2023, Director-Er 2024+).


Dr. Alice Mark, Lead Instructor
Alice is a senior lecturer at Vanderbilt University. Her main mathematical interest is group theory, and her favorite kind of groups are reflection groups. She has assisted in several inquiry-based learning college classes, has presented at the Austin Math Circle, has worked with the University of Chicago Young Scholars Program, and was an Apprentice Instructor at MathILy-Er 2015 as well as a Lead Instructor at MathILy-Ers 2016--2023 and the Director of MathILy-Ers 2019--2023.

Dr. Tom Mainiero, Instructor (2022)
Tom is a mathematics faculty member at St. Joseph's University, Long Island. He has taught inquiry-based physics labs at UT Austin and Rutgers. Trained as a mathematically-oriented physicist but---being confused about the direction of time---his interests un-specialize with the generally accepted flow of its direction, working slowly toward an "undecided major." His current interests involve a mix of geometry, topology, quantum mechanics, category theory, computer science, and the mysteries of entropy.


Kye Shi, Apprentice Instructor
Kye has been flirting with math for as long as he remembers. In high school, he once wrote a Python script to do his math homework for him (because, geez, how many more matrices do you want me to invert?). It wasn't until he attended MathILy in 2015 that he realized what math really was about. In 2017, he attended the IPhO in Indonesia and won a gold medal. In 2022, he graduated from Harvey Mudd College with a mathematics and computer science major and is now a graduate student at UCLA, where he uses math as an excuse to write computer programs for fun (or is it the other way around? he doesn't know). These days, Kye's favorite non-nerdy hobbies are percussion, ballroom dancing, and West Coast swing dancing. He was a MathILy Apprentice Instructor in 2020, 2021, 2022, and 2023.

Cameron Gavaler, Apprentice Instructor
Cam is a first-year graduate student at CUNY. He is primarily interested in discrete mathematics but often dabbles in algebra and geometry as well. He enjoys reading and playing any kind of board, card, or video game he can find. He was a MathILy-Er PRiME FACToR in 2023.


Karoline Dubin, Apprentice Instructor
Karoline is a graduate student at the University of Illinois Chicago. Her path to math was meandering: first, she studied history in college, enticed by a seminar on the frontier; then, she worked in various roles in restaurants and catering; before that, as a design assistant for a textile and clothing company. Presently, she spends time thinking about hard spheres and percolation, learning theory and ways to reconstruct automata given partial information, all in between reading books about magical realism, art, and cooking (not exhaustive).

Taryn Trigler, Protector and Responder in the MathILy-Er Environment, Facilitator of Academics and CriTiquer of wRiting
Taryn is a senior undergraduate studying mathematics and biomedical engineering at Georgia Tech and is preparing to begin a Ph.D. in biochemistry, cell & developmental biology at Emory University in Fall 2024. Her favorite mathematical fields are extremal combinatorics, graph theory, and non-Euclidean geometry. During her undergraduate years, Taryn attended the Budapest Semesters in Mathematics study abroad program and served two terms as the president of Georgia Tech's 'Club Math.' Outside of academics, she enjoys long-distance running and playing contract bridge. She attended MathILy-Er in 2019---inspiring her to continue her exploration of mathematics. (Fun fact: Taryn was MathILy-Er's 100th student!)

Noa Hunter, Protector and Responder in the MathILy-Er Environment, Facilitator of Academics and CriTiquer of wRiting
Noa is a graduating senior at Auburn University where they studied mathematics. They will be starting their Ph.D. in mathematics in the fall, and they are primarily interested in algebraic geometry, commutative algebra, and related fields. They are a vegetarian and a personality test enthusiast, and their hobbies include tennis, card games (Canasta and Euchre are favorites), and embroidery. Currently, they are working on learning Spanish and getting past level 4 on the arcade game Mappy.

MathILy, MathILy-Er, and MathILy-EST are projects of the nonprofit organization Mathematical Staircase, Inc..