Charlie gives a piano concert
Tom's Root class does a readthrough of Corrine's latest play
No one will give Josh's Limnu writing a high rating
Corrine's Daily Gather on the Ümlaut Snäkes
Storytime in sarah-marie's Root class
Extraneous storytime in sarah-marie's Root class
Brian's Root class
Tom's Root class
Sponging in sarah-marie's Root class
Anya pours water on Connor's sponge
Emily's Daily Gather, which started with a rumor that someone mispronounced "Euler"
Visitors from industry (Carol, Luke, Tim) to Life Seminar!
Annie Raymond talks about subwebs
Denise Rangel Tracy gives a Daily Gather on syzygies
Everyone fills out the sudoku in Kye's Daily Gather all at once
A Daily Gather visit from Alice (MathILy-Er Director)!
Hanging out in
Unfortunate events from Daniel's Daily Gather
Instructors play Pandemic
Tim Hsu sets up his Daily Gather
Heading out to a mid-MathILy in-person meetup
Mid-program in-person MIT meetup!
Mid-program in-person Philadelphia meetup!
Chicago in-person mid-program meetup!
A Branch Class banner
sarah-marie and Cecilia faced similar challenges
Anya's sugar tori (and a Klein bottle)
Late-night WoC Nonsense group's Limnu scrawlings
The MathILy-EST Daily Gather, complete with Woozle Wizard, King, Scholars, and Peasant
The MathILy-EST Daily Gather Limnu setup
Branch pins
Ella, a being of pure color, posted selfies in Slack.
Breakfast with Brian
Week of Chaos class on Julia and Mandelbrot sets
Staff observe students playing follow-the-leader in
Pants! (Lillian's?)
Hannah's Branch class with pants
Hannah wears a deformable disk hat
sarah-marie's Branch class
Tom's Branch class wears paper hats
Codenames: Dries, Drieser, Dried; Fake, Real, Realer, Realest...
MathILy 2021 with our pets
After-MathILy MIT in-person meetup (doughnuts not shown, already consumed)
After-MathILy NoCal in-person meetup!
MathILy t-shirt seen in the wild
MathILy t-shirt seen in the actual wild
MathILy, MathILy-Er, and MathILy-EST are projects of the nonprofit organization Mathematical Staircase, Inc..