Emi working with others: the more things change, the more they stay the same (see here)
Nadav, Dimitri, and sarah-marie do the JEB-step
An epic Jenga game in the dorm living room
MathILy 2019, as viewed from a tree
Here's the photographer, viewed from the ground
Ice cream! (on National Ice Cream Day)
Dimitri demonstrates two different projections of a skeleton
Youbin explains something to her classmates in Root class
Brian's Root class
Alexander Diaz-Lopez tells MathILy about permutation peaks
Multiple discussions in sarah-marie and Nadav's Root class
sarah-marie's Root class is serious.
Everyone working in groups during Emi's Daily Gather on narwhals
Lauren Rose monitors student explorations during her Daily Gather on a SET-like game
It's totally normal to have band practice when you're out for a morning run...
Hannah's Root class
Communal Zome building
Jessica and Joyce work on a mega proof
Ryan works on the persistent homology of a foot
After a game of capture-the-flag, Nadav encourages everyone to stretch
Well, there are a lot of irrationals...
Max demonstrates minimal surfaces during the isoperimetric problems Week of Chaos class
Collaboration during Week of Chaos
And now for a series of awkward photos: Saskia, Maria Clara, Will, Cheetah.
National Ice Cream Day!
It actually is totally normal for a MathILy instructor to teach from the floor
Saskia makes a point to Nate (the Daily Gather speaker, wearing sunglasses and earmuffs)
Annalisa Crannell discusses projective geometry with students trying to make challenging drawings
The entire Quadratic Reciprocity class at work, mostly at the board
Benjamin makes a point in Branch class
Discussions during the MathILy-EST Daily Gather
More discussions during the MathILy-EST Daily Gather
Ryan discusses the structure of a polyhedron with Jake
She asked for it!
No, really, she asked to be surprise-caked in the face for her birthday.
Hannah's branch class at work
Always tell the PRiMEs when you go out...
...Always tell the students when you emulate their iconic photos.
All the staff were there!
sarah-marie's Branch class in front of a counterexample to one of Chuanqi's conjectures (which is probably why she is not smiling)
Zichen is mystified as to the identity of a knitted topological surface
Will, Sebastian, and Joeli argue about the identity of a tricksy knitted surface
Hannah's Branch class
Brian's Branch class
Who can reach the ceiling?
Corrine directs students in formation for a group photo
Really, we're all trying to get into position!
Ah, there it is! K1 through K6!
Rosemary Guzman tells MathILy how to think about geometry
Joyce shows the proof she wrote on her balloon.
The last night: people toss "Josh" around in a lounge
MathILy 2019 and MathILy-EST 2019!
Collaborating on one last piece of math at the closing meeting...
...Even as it grows dark out.
MathILy, MathILy-Er, and MathILy-EST are projects of the nonprofit organization Mathematical Staircase, Inc..