MathILy 2017 photos

MathILy 2017

Milan and Romain discuss a proof during Daily Gather

MathILy 2017

Chatting on the train home from Philadelphia

MathILy 2017

Vincent, Lavinia, and Zhamilya experiment in Sage

MathILy 2017

Cindy and Adrian build Zome

MathILy 2017

Students construct a rational tangle in Josh Greene's Daily Gather

We took a lot of great class photos this year.

MathILy 2017

Hannah's Root class

MathILy 2017

MathILy 2017 goes up the stairs to the Haverford math lounge

MathILy 2017

Hannah's Root class being silly

MathILy 2017

Most of MathILy 2017 under a tree on the first day

MathILy 2017

Daniel's Root class

MathILy 2017

Shortest and tallest AIs Corrine and Josh write simul-definitions

MathILy 2017

Daniel's Root class being silly

MathILy 2017

Nikita attempts to make a planar drawing of the skeleton of a cube inscribed in a dodecahedron

MathILy 2017

sarah-marie's Root class

MathILy 2017

Shalin is stranded on Multiplication Island

MathILy 2017

Let's pick up Shalin.

MathILy 2017

playing pool in the Campus Center

MathILy 2017

Everyone pick up everyone else!

MathILy 2017

Henry's birthday, with cake

MathILy 2017

Max (or is it the Frog King?) gives a Daily Gather

MathILy 2017

The eigenonion class deep in thought

MathILy 2017

Khunpob and Vincent contemplate crushing hexagons

MathILy 2017

Romain and Brian with a Zome 600-cell

MathILy 2017

Collaboration during Max's Daily Gather

MathILy 2017

Zhamilya, Micaela, and Zoe discuss Zome geometry

MathILy 2017

Josh peers through an occupied dodecahedron

MathILy 2017

Emily's voting theory Week of Chaos class explores various ballets

MathILy 2017

Dope notation for candyconomies

MathILy 2017

Disaster strikes BMC in Josh's homotopy theory Week of Chaos class

MathILy 2017

Micaela and Zhamilya discuss homotopic paths

MathILy 2017

A penguinous proof

MathILy 2017

The staff conduct a Life Seminar

MathILy 2017

sarah-marie's Branch class

MathILy 2017

Khunpob, Micaela, and Zhamilya discuss surfaces and non-surfaces

MathILy 2017 MathILy 2017 MathILy 2017

Apparently the volunteer class-photo taker (Cam) decided to start with a few selfies.

MathILy 2017

Milan and Adrian confer on folding

MathILy 2017

Tom's Branch class

MathILy 2017

Zoe explains a detail to Catherine

MathILy 2017

Hannah's Branch class

MathILy 2017

Oliver points out a detail to Wen

MathILy 2017

Selfie in Bryn Mawr

MathILy 2017

Hannah's Branch class being... serious.

MathILy 2017

Nikita adds a footnote at the very top of the board

MathILy 2017

Folding under pressure works on algebra, spherical geometry, and combinatorics

MathILy 2017

sarah-marie works with Henry and Jon on embeddings

MathILy 2017

Hector explains to Abhi and Alvin

MathILy 2017

Nate responds to a student contribution during his Daily Gather

MathILy 2017

AI Brian gives Leslie feedback on her work at the board

MathILy 2017

Josh sets up the big tangle reveal in his Daily Gather

MathILy 2017

Josh and Hannah demonstrate West Coast swing at the first MathILy talent show

MathILy 2017

From afar, a picnic outside the dining hall

MathILy 2017

In fact, a picnic composed of food from the dining hall...

MathILy 2017

Garth Isaak describes multiset poker decks

MathILy 2017

Dance lessons in the dormitory dance studio

MathILy 2017

Students act as bases to create chains of DNA segments during Ada Morse's Daily Gather

MathILy 2017

Emily sets up a mathematical poker tournament

MathILy 2017


MathILy 2017

We're supposed to be forming a low-crossing K5.

MathILy 2017

MathILy 2017!

MathILy 2017

Dancing around on the last night of MathILy 2017

MathILy, MathILy-Er, and MathILy-EST are projects of the nonprofit organization Mathematical Staircase, Inc..