Some of these photos are grainy because the MathILy camera went bad and we didn't discover that until after the program was over. Some of these photos are lovely and taken by student Cynthia Ma.
Students thinking together intensively in Root class
Laurel and Jack demonstrate spherical geometry on the blackboard sphere
Wing Mui starts a Daily Gather on Sperner's Lemma
Charlotte sets up to present an epic proof
Alonso displays a... tiara?
Eugene gives an impromptu concert in the dorm living room
Discussing examples in combinatorial optimization
Everyone sticks linguini into oranges as part of Bill Martin's Daily Gather
Students construct 3-manifolds during AI Lisa's Daily Gather
Zome shadows captured on dorm ceiling
Jenny draws 3 diagrams that show what Kye's dozen diagrams also showed
Students reclining on Haverford trees
Michael levitates balloons
AI Nate presents at the start of our mandatory volcano drill
Kye... rests his head... on some bananas?
MathILy eats ice cream!
Jordan explains his C.O.P. setup to Alex
Students run an interpretation of an tropical geometry example by LI Cynthia Vinzant
Nathan shows off his various leopard-print finery
Constantin makes an excellent work surface
We will meet under this sign! Or is it a performance of Y-M-C-A?
Natasha and Cynthia augment a dual diagram
AI Max compliments (and complements) an argument
Constantin and Yiting think three-dimensionally
Michael carrying Shashank down the dorm hallway... ...why?!
Apparently sarah-marie and Charlotte were having an accidental meeting of the Purple Club...
Constantin takes a nap in a tree (really!)
Amanda Matson circulates as students work on one of the problems she set them during her Daily Gather
Laurel, Michael, Cynthia, and Jenny discuss fractals
No caption could adequately describe this picture.
In trying to take a goofy group photo...
...we ended up falling all over the place instead.
A typical MathILy class: the instructor (AI Hannah) is observing from the back (and a slice of her is shown at left).
Kye notices a photo is being taken of work on field extensions
Yiting explains her random walk strategy to the rest of the Week of Chaos class
Charlotte, Nathan, and Michael ponder topological graph theory problems
Everyone at the board in a typical Branch class meeting
That was some seriously good mac-n-cheese. We had to take a pile home from dinner.
Even writing up problem solutions is fun, at MathILy!
Or were Constantin and Yiting just posing for the camera?
Now they are definitely posing for the camera...
Ballroom dance class taught by student Natasha, in the dance studio inside our dorm!
Alonso produces percussion to accompany the ballroom dance class
Ron Taylor looks on as Natasha does an exercise during his Daily Gather on knot coloring
Bedtime stories.
Don't be fooled by that birthday cake---what Eugene really wanted was the birthday pie nearby.
Walking to lunch from morning class
Student Cynthia expounds on croots
MathILy 2015 in a circle
MathILy 2015 spiralling...
MathILy 2015 carefully interweaving...
Oh, no! Is MathILy 2015 falling down again?
No, MathILy 2015 is forming a trefoil knot.
MathILy 2015 being as normal as possible
MathILy, MathILy-Er, and MathILy-EST are projects of the nonprofit organization Mathematical Staircase, Inc..