Students working together in Root class
Vandana shows her work at the board
Apprentice instructors wield their Staffs of Ra
sarah-marie's nose is cold. AI Hannah mirrors her.
Students run ideas by an instructor (center)
One student tries to convince another of... something.
Writing out proofs in Root class
A visit to Haverford's duck pond
MathILy 2014 after a long and sunny walk
It's a Zome Akesehedron!
Students brainstorm about rubber-sheet topology
An instructor critiques student proofs in algebra seminar
Seri's YO! fractal coded in Mathematica
Success! Four students make Five Intersecting Tetrahedra
More paper constructions with John and Heesoo
working together at the board
Presentation of angle ideas in origametry
Nate Harman sets up his Daily Gather on vanishing sets of polynomials
Cynthia Vinzant sets up her Daily Gather on "vanishing" sets of "polynomials"
Brendan codes in cryptography
AlterNate geometries demonstrated
Adam Marcus gives a Daily Gather on Permutation Procreation
Collaborative cryptographic coding
Superb selfie in downtown Philadelphia
Director sarah-marie and AI Hannah at a playground in Philadelphia
Students out to dinner in Philadelphia
Tom's origametry class
Lily and Brendan are goofy on the train home
Tracy and Corrine (the PRiME who took most of these photos!)
Director sarah-marie about to discuss the sweep method for counting regions in space
Students collaboratively coding about chaos
AI Nate wears appropriate headgear for the polytopes class as he and LI sarah-marie talk with students who are working in groups
Vandana cuts her birthday cake
Elizabeth Drellich monitors as the entire program works at the board during her Daily Gather
AI Hannah sets up a Daily Gather on slugs and rocks
A student photo of Senior Row at Bryn Mawr
A typical MathILy class: As several group of students work at the board, the instructor looks, listens, and comments
A bunch of students tour Philadelphia
Cat and Seri sit atop a climbing statue
Instructors and guests share information about colleges and applications at Life Seminar
Students at that Life Seminar
The program gleefully follows Rachel Shorey's instructions during her Daily Gather on using math to elect a president
sarah-marie (wearing a shirt with typography and design by student Lily) and Rachel
Working together in finite-state automata class
LI sarah-marie is reduced by the terribleness of a proof to being a dead bug
Seri leaves a goodbye message near the end of MathILy
Hannah and Dennis take a break from work
The class listens as Tracy conveys her ideas to AI Nate
MathILy 2014 lying around
MathILy 2014 lying around in a Borromean way
MathILy 2014 being normal
MathILy 2014 at the final meeting
MathILy, MathILy-Er, and MathILy-EST are projects of the nonprofit organization Mathematical Staircase, Inc..